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French graduate students completed internship successfully

Time: 2010-08-25

On August 20, 2010, two graduate students from INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES ECONOMIQUES ET COMMERCIALES, Manuella FELTRE and Hélo?se HUYSENTRUYT, successfully completed their two-month exercitation at CNBM International.

Taking advantage of the holiday season, they traveled to China in June from far abroad to join the team at CNBM International.

As graduate students majoring in international trade, they quickly adapted to their own work thanks to their solid theoretical foundation and good quality on their own part. In the short space of two months, they studied hard, put what they learned into practice constantly and conducted extensive exchange with others; they not only created value for the company, but also earnestly integrated themselves into the corporate culture.

They said that, during the two-month internship, their theoretical knowledge were put into real practice, work capacity significantly enhanced, Chinese proficiency greatly improved; under the influence of corporate values such as "innovation, integrity and sharing " , this exercitation would become a valuable experience to their own career path.

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