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Establishment of CNBM New Energy Engineering Co.,Ltd.

Time: 2011-11-29

Oct 2011, CBMIE, CNBM International, and Jetion Solar(China) Co., Ltd. established a joint venture CNBM New Energy Engineering Co.,Ltd. in Jiangyin. It signifies a new business mode of CNBM International, and “Three New” strategy of CNBM.

CNBM New Energy Engineering Co.,Ltd. covers in design, R&D, construction, operation, and marketing of solar energy power plant. In the future, it will expand to new energy power plant areas such as wind power and biological energy. Under the support of CNBM and other strategic partners such as China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation , China Development Bank, and the Export-Import Bank of China, CNBM New Energy Engineering Co.,Ltd. will enter photovoltaic and wind power engineering area.

CNBM New Energy Engineering Co.,Ltd. is aiming to become a world top new energy company in the future. 

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